Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How mergers go wrong

This is a very fun exercise.
Basically, we need to draw 1 animal which consists of 2 animal.
Huh? Weird huh?
Yup, that's right.
We need to create an animal from 2 animal.
For example, duck and dragon become dragon duck or ziraffe and fish become ziraffe fish and so forth.
The mission is to create an animal that will die instantly.

~This is the answer which consist of fish's head and bird's body where it cannnot breath at all which cause it to die instantly.~

This is what I have drew in class : a combination of elephant and a grasshopper where grasshopper's body can handle elephant's head weight fell down and died.

~These are some merge that I saw from some websites. A merge of an ant and a zebra.~

~ merge of squirrel's head and penguin's body.~

Analogy :

Making the Strange Familiar.

Analogy uses something that has no apparent connection to the object to explain something about the object.

For example, I use ice cream explaining that eat more will become fat.

The main use of analogies in daily conversation is to use something familiar to explain something complex.

~There are a lot of adjectives that can be used to describe an object~


~A melting ice cream, it is like an incurable disease, melting slowly.~


~Love is like a chili, the moment you start, you just can't stop!~

Sport Car

~If you give me a Hammer, I can give you my wife, If you give me a Ferrari, I shall give you my life!~

Love or pain?

~The more you love, the more she pains. Yet, love can't be controlled by anyone.~


~Happy or sad, it is all up to you. Spent your time with your loved ones wisely. They are happy to see you.~

Love or Life

~Love without life is impossible, Live without love is meaningless. Give it a risk, love with you life.~

Man or Woman

~Woman is like garbage? Meager does go wrong. If woman is like garbage, I will be the dustbin.~

Juxtaposition II

In class exercises :

Step 1: Choose 3 pairs of number from (00 until 99)

e.g: 16, 34, 94

1. Flower

2. Lightning

3. Ice

4. Light

5. Fire

6. Duck

7. Dog

8. Oil

9. Leaf

0. Fly

0. Head

9. Rain

8. Wood

7. Tree

6. Spider

5. Root

4. Mountain

3. Wind

2. Rock

1. Water

16 = Flower & Spider34 = Ice & Mountain94 = Leaf & Mountain
I have chosen:

09 : Fly Rain
99: Leave Rain
02: Fly Rock

Exercise 1 :

Create a sentence using the two random words
1. TV broadcast said that we cannot fly because today will rain.
2. Do not leave the house because today will rain.
3. I can fly but I cannot carry a rock.

Exercise 2 :

TV broadcast said that we cannot fly because today will rain.

Do not leave the house because today will rain.

I can fly but I cannot carry a rock.

Exercise 3 :

Create a new word by combining the two words together.

Example :







~If you watch Naruto, you can decipher it easily...~


Juxtaposition means placing things side-by-side.
In art this usually is done with the intention of bringing out a specific quality or creating an effect, particularly when two contrasting or opposing elements are used.
The viewer's attention is drawn to the similarities or differences between the elements.
*taken from about.com*
Basically, it means that solving a problem by using 2 elements.
For example, you want to create a war advertisement with the "We will rock you" song by Bon Jovi.
Is that crazy?
Yes, it is.
We need to be crazy to create a very creative idea.
However, it's not impossible.
For example, we will rock you down if you start a war can be used to combine this 2 element for Juxtaposition.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

Novelty is the quality of being new as it essentially exists in the subjective perceptions of individuals.
Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts.

Creativity is fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight.

"Innovation, however, requires the contexts of both the past and the future.

Innovation must be creative, but must also cause a change in the creations of others (the future).

If someone creates a piece of art that incorporates a new technique, the piece would only be innovative if it inspired other artists to change how they create art, perhaps by creating a movement based around a new technique or approach.

Innovation thus demands a social context of some sort that creativity does not.

Invention obviously must be new, but if I throw paint at a piece of paper , then I’ve created something new while not something inventive.

It must be new in the sense that it has novelty and utility.

Unlike creativity, inventiveness seems to require the creation of a tool of some sort that others can use.

One can create an invention simply by trying something over and over again until something works.

This would not be a creative process.

Nor would it be an innovation,"says Brent Edward which is the Vice President for Research at Starkey Labs, the largest hearing device company in the US.

He also run a center in Berkeley, CA where they conduct research on hearing, cognition, speech and innovative hearing aid technologies, and is a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley

~Brent Edward~

This is the China's toilet which seems novelty to me~

Ain't this cute~ Won't you want to try it?



In class exercise:
Creating an image of a public figure

Bill Gates

This is my imaginary of Bill Gates

Basically, Bill Gates in my imaginery is a symbol of Evolution.

Without him, human won't be able to evolve so fast to create a Cyber World.

As you can see, he worked very hard in order to achieve his goal which is to create a world where everyone can use computers freely.

From just cpu, then add in monitor then slowly introducing WINDOWS. Now finally he has come to WINDOWS VISTA, an Operating System which achieving perfection.

This is my avatar drawn by my friend - Ong Shin Ying 1071113456

She asked me a few questions such as:

1. What is your hobby ? and I answered sleeping.

2. What do you enjoy the most? and I answered Playing?

3. What color you like the most? and I answered absolutely is Blue colour.

4. What do you dislike ? Assignments!

5. What will you do at weekends? and I answered Sleeping is good for health.

6. Use a word to describe youself. Idle but definitely not lazy.

She thinks that I'm a frog... I think I can be better than A FROG. ~.~

This is her avatar. A bird with a crown. It's true...

My questions were:

1. What is your favourite colour?


2. What do you like to do?

Chatting with friends.

3. What is your hobby?


4. What do you enjoyed the most?


5. You like to chat huh?


6. Then what do you dislike?


7. Use one word to describe yourself.

